A Hidden Role Dice Game with Deduction and Bluffing for 2-6 players that plays in 30 minutes.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Digital Rewards
over 8 years ago
– Thu, Jun 02, 2016 at 12:44:51 PM
Hello Strikers!
We have updated all the digital files and Panda is reviewing them. Everything should be approved here in the next couple of weeks. They have begun the work on the dice and the wooden bits. We are super excited.
I should have another update rolling out in a week or two with the digital wallpapers and postcards with lore on them. They are beautiful! Things are moving right along as expected. Here is a look at one of the wallpapers. I will be placing them into a downloadable file for all backers.
The TalonStrikes web page has been redone and I am awaiting approval for the pre order link which should be coming. Once that is done then new folks can order there.
We are also putting together the Backerkit information and that will be going out soon as well. So things are moving as planned at this point.
Thank you so very much!
The Talon Strikes Team-
Finalizing Lore, Digital Rewards, and more!
almost 9 years ago
– Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 11:20:18 PM
We are one month into the post Kickstarter season! With that said, we wanted to provide a quick update with the progress of the campaign thus far.
For those curious, we will be using Backerkit for fulfillment details at a later date.
Print N Play and Digital Rewards
We are finalizing the art, lore, rules, and files for the Print N Play so we can have that out to backers no later than June as we promised. (Possibly even sooner!) We will include a short update when the new art is delivered to us.
The Boxed Game Rewards
We have our final quote for production. As soon as the lore for the Cardinals has been finalized and last editing of the rule book, as well, as realigning the art for the screens is complete, we will be able to send those files to Panda for proofing and into the next stage of production.
Custom Boxes
The cups have been purchased for the custom boxes, as well, as the custom made boxes themselves. We will be contacting all of the backers of the custom tiers for individual customization of their reward at a later date.
Kickstarter Shoutouts
There are two Kickstarter projects that you may or may not have heard of yet that we are proud backers of and deserve Talon Strike sized shout outs.
The first is an expansion for Bottom of the 9th by Dice Hate Me Games, which is now live on Kickstarter. As fans and backers of the base game, supporting the printing of an expansion was a no brainer for us.
For those who aren’t familiar with Bottom of the 9th, it is a quick 1 or 2 player, 5 -20-minute card and dice game that captures the mental game tension between a pitcher/catcher and batter in the game of baseball.
Even if you aren't a die hard baseball fan, or sports fan in general, we think you will enjoy the meta game and dice rolling play of Bottom of the 9th.
You can grab the base game, as well as the expansion, on their Kickstarter page here.
The other game we wanted to mention is Succession! by Castle Productions.
That's it for now! Thanks to all of you again for making this a successful campaign! We will chat with all of you soon!
-Talon Strikes Team
Post Live Kickstarter Era!
almost 9 years ago
– Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 06:47:00 AM
Hello Strikers,
We have entered the post Live Kickstarter era!
I got to do some chores around the house! My wife says "Now that the Kickstarter is completed you can get out of the computer chair!" So I worked outside last weekend.
So there are still a few folks getting their payments in order and then the funds will be transferred to us. If you have a message from Kickstarter to check that please take a look.We are also locking in the final quote from the manufacturer with the added stretch goals!
Next we will finish the final prep on the art for the game and do the final work on the Print and Play files and the rules. These things should go very smoothly as we have done most of this prior to bringing the game to Kickstarter. Even though there can be long stretches during this next leg of the campaign, we have some very cool stuff planned for you.
Also I am picking songs for you to chose from for the video for the 1 dollar pledge level and above! Not sure if this is good or bad!!! =)
As a final note there is another campaign that is about to complete that I talked about on our podcast. I wanted to take a moment to highlight their hard work and game. If you get a chance check it out.
almost 9 years ago
– Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 03:28:33 PM
It's been a wild roller coaster ride of a campaign for the last 30 days. The reason we finished on top was because of you guys! We've knocked down every single stretch goal to make this the best game it can be!
It's going to feel odd not fighting the compulsion to check the Kickstarter page every ten minutes to see where the campaign is at and to interact with all of you in the comments section.
We have received some great feedback from all of you that has made the campaign the success it is.
Where Do We Go From Here?
From here on out our updates will be a monthly occurrence unless we have some significant event, than we'll be sure to send out an update covering it and keeping all of you in the loop as the game is manufactured and shipped.
Contact Info
We will sporadically check comments on the page, but as they slow down post Kickstarter campaign, so does us checking them. If you do need anything you can contact us through the message system here, or better yet, email us at [email protected].
You can also subscribe to our monthly newsletter if you are interested in the other projects Talon Strikes has their claws in.
Thank You's
I know we've said it a thousand times already but thank you. Thanks to Scott Almes for creating another masterpiece of a game, and thanks to Gamelyn Games for giving us this opportunity to publish this beautiful game with their assistance.
Most importantly! Thank each and every single supporter who has put their hard earned cash towards our trust. We do not take this lightly and are flattered by the support you have all shown us and Scott Almes. We will not disappoint!
-Team Talon Strikes
Honorary Producer!
almost 9 years ago
– Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 02:29:30 PM
Hello Strikers,
I have added 5 more Honorary Producer Levels of the game. This will be the last increase of this level. For those folks that joined after this was already closed. As a backer at this level you will get to customize your game in some areas as well as get this with hand made parts.
You can see more pictures on the main page. This is a one of a kind and very unique version of this wonderful game. There are 5 extra slots added for the last bit of time here.
Had another question about an exclusive item. I am not sure we will have something up prior to the end for this however this does not mean there wont be anything for this. I am thankful that each of you has taken the time to back this project and help to bring Scott's game to live. This is not to be taken lightly. We do have some things planned for the next few months were all of you will get to be a part of something fun and different. Super excited to blow up these last goals here and produced with your help House of Borgia.