
House of Borgia

Created by Talon Strikes Studios

A Hidden Role Dice Game with Deduction and Bluffing for 2-6 players that plays in 30 minutes.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

What is in the box!
over 8 years ago – Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 06:40:21 PM

Hello Strikers!

I got the first copies from Panda this last week very exciting! So I made a video.

So please enjoy the unboxing. 


All the games have been printed and Assembled! They are being boxed and will be loaded onto a ship. Then we have to wait for the ship to be completely loaded. Then they will take the trip across the ocean to us. it is looking like we might be shipping in December. So at this point we are showing to be 2 weeks late. While this does not make me happy, in the grand scheme of things this is also not bad considering some of the issues this year with shipping increases and such.

We will be at BGGcon in Dallas this year. please come find me to play house of Borgia or anything else you want to play. I will also have a prototype copy of King's Champion. We would love to meet you and play some games with you!

Thank you for your continued support!

-The Talon Strikes Team

Follow Up!
over 8 years ago – Mon, Oct 03, 2016 at 09:41:54 PM

 Hello Strikers,

I got some messages today about addresses and such. I dont want anyone to miss anything. So here is the link for Backerkit.

If you answered the email anytime between March and now on Backerkit then you are good to go. if you need to verify or change your address you can also do that here.

This link should get you to where you need to go to make sure everything is ready!

Please if you have any other questions let me know!!!


Lock It Down!
over 8 years ago – Mon, Oct 03, 2016 at 08:27:58 PM

 Hello Strikers,

Well folks the time has come you have 48 hours to lock down any address changes. if you ordered an extra game in the backer kit the cards will be charged this week. 

What does this mean for the game you ask? They are in the final stages of putting the games together and will be loading them. They will begin the trip towards the final destination. 

The custom boxes are coming along and the screen are the only part left to add to the boxes. Super exciting for us. 

Board Game Geek Con

I will be at BGG with a production copy. There is a strong chance the games will be arriving around the same time to all of you. I will also have a copy of King's Champion. If you are going to BGG contact me I would love to meet you and play a game of HoB or KC.

Thank you so very much. This has been a great experience bringing House of Borgia to market. I will have some pictures of the final custom boxes here in a bit and those will start to go out as soon as I put the screens together.


Wooden Screens and other Stuff
over 8 years ago – Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 11:24:46 PM

So just a small update to show you the wooden screens this is the prototype and the lettering is to light and will be made darker. However this shows the red felt option.

So three options for Felt!




look at the felt in the background that is the color of the purple.

Also the felt will go all the way to the edge of the screen

 And here it how it is stored


 As you can see the lettering is a bit light so the new letting will be much darker so it will show up!

This is the latest burn and is much better. So this is the last piece that needs to come in. All the boxes are stained for those that responded. So if you responded  either in an email or a message and I replied then your box has been stained your color choice. Also the screens are Birch wood it is a softer wood but is lighter and holds the stain well I think!

Please respond with the felt choice so I have all of that ready to go when the screens get in. I will send some updated pics next week where everything should be done and ready to go minus the screens.

Also I am completing the art for the certificate that will also be placed into the box with the signatures of the creators and the numbering. And FYI there were a lucky 13 boxes completed. 15 were ordered but 2 of those did not fund and hence were never ordered or built. 

While I can't promise what your production number will be in the 1 to 13 order they will be numbered and the certificate will have all of that information.

Other Information

I did have a backer ask about getting in on the custom boxes now. While I really wish i could do that I could not resource all of the items due to some of them maybe not being available any longer.

However, if you want to get a custom box for say your favorite game I would be interested in hearing what the game was and what your thoughts were about a custom box for that game. I have completed custom one of a kind versions for games in the past. I would love talk about making something for you. Mind you these are things that take some time to complete and there is a cost to them. But I do things like making wooden tokens and custom art or even 3D sculpts and leather work for custom games.

I look forward to getting you the next bit of information as these boxes are completed! I have had a great time working on them and creating them. Don't forget Kings Champion is coming up in the new year and we should also have some further information about what are other games will be after Kings Champion!


Hand Made Stuff and the Video!
over 8 years ago – Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 12:42:47 AM

 Hello Strikers!

Just some more pics of the hand made stuff I am working on

 this is the dark stain!

 And now to show you the Hand made Book to keep your cards and rules in!




 And About the Video

I have filmed it, going to edit it to put the dollar backers names on the video! I sang the lords prayer. I found that fitting as the game is themed in a religious tone.

Nothing new on the shipping front but we are not due to hear anything for another 12 to 14 days so those things should be moving along as planed!

I should have more to show next week as i get more stuff completed!
